Do not use the wordpress plug in ’share this‘

This is the translated version of the original post (german version).

The wordpress plug in ‚Share This‚ changed its behavior since version 2.0. The main part of the code was swapped out. On access the plug in loads the parts from the server of the developers server. The Nextumi Inc. does not have any qualms not to report this at the changelog (version history).

The use of this plug in version implies many problems and high security risks:
– you do not have direct access to the code; for example to make modifications or translations.
– the developer of Share this could change the code at any time without to inform you.
– the company Nextumi Inc. could track the behavior of your visitors/readers by extracting the server log.

If you are going to register at Share this, you get detailed statistics of your blog and your visitors. But all the data is saved on the server of Nextumi Inc. The company does have the full control of your data.

Do not use Share this!
If you are using Share this (since version 2.0) you get reliant on this company. All the necessary javascripts and images are loaded from the server of Nextumi – all time. If this server would has a downtime, the plug in do not work. Further the vendor could change the plug in without an investigation of your part. But the main risk should be the data mining of the vendor. He could log all the activities at your blog. This could be useful in some facts. Otherwise this data should not handed over to the responsibility of someone else.

My only advice is to disadvise from the usage of this plug in. Or you are going to use an older version of Share this (< 2.0).

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